How To Deal With Cat Scratching

I will give you some hacks for cat scratching. Follow these hacks, maybe it works for you and your little cats.

It’s worth to try, right? 🙂 

First of all, let’s talk about the reason why cats scratch. Why do cats scratch? Why do your felines use their claws to destroy furniture in your house?

Take a brief look at these common reasons:

  • Scratching is cat’s first nature behavior. The cats do this all the time.
  • They scratch to sharpen their claws.
  • A cat even scratches when he/she is happy, excited, or when cat wants to relieve stress and strengthen their muscles.
  • Rubbing, scratching, leaving poop uncovered, spraying of urine, licking, etc are to mark cat’s territory, and they are very useful for most cats in the wild.

You have to understand that there’s no way to block completely cat scratching, but luckily, there are ways to deal with it. Now these are some useful hacks to deal with cat scratches:

Show your cats the right places to scratch

cat with claws

Make sure there’s at least one scratching post in your house. Scratching post, or cat tree are the best alternatives for your furniture.

You need to show your cats where to scratch, such as the scratching posts, cat scratchers, toys instead of your furniture. You should cover things that cats often scratch with two sides sticky tape, aluminum paper, plastic cover or anything your cats find uncomfortable to scratch.

Note: Keep the scratching post near places that your cats are likely to spend time, and where they want to scratch, the sofa for example. You can put catnip (available on Amazon) on scratching posts to attract your cats.

Trim your cat’s claws

naughty cat

to prevent cat scratching furniture. The cats that don’t get used to claws clipping can be bothered a little but soon they’ll be ok with it. Remember to encourage and praise them while you trimming their claws.

If this is your first time doing this, ask the vet or do a research on Google on how to trim cat claws.

Use your voice

cat claws

A high serious voice “NO”, or clap your hands whenever your cat are gonna scratch your furniture, he/she’ll know you don’t like the scratch and reduce her/his interest.

Don’t be angry with your cats or hit them because they can’t understand why you do that, remember scratching is the cat’s natural behavior.

Use water

cat bath

Cats don’t like water, right?

Using a spray water bottle and spay them when your cats come and scratch the furniture. This will not damage the cats, but teach them not to scratch the ‘wrong objects.’

Again, I highly recommend you should have scratching posts in your house for your cats to scratch. The scratching posts have many styles and shapes that help your cats feel comfortable to scratch in many postures.

cat scratching

So, how to choose the appropriate scratching post for your lovely cats?

Cats like to scratch where they can fully stretch and put their claws into easily. They like scratching the carpet, scratching post made by sisal rope or wood, corrugated cardboard, etc. Scratching post should be high and stable enough to enable your cats to get a full stretch and a good scratch.

Make sure you offer scratching post offer both vertical and horizontal surfaces for your cat.

  • If your cat scratches the sofa, she/he may like the scratching post made by sisal rope.
  • If she digs her claws deep in the carpet, you can find a scratching post that includes a soft cardboard.

Having many scratching posts in the house not only provides your cats chances to scratch in various postures and plentiful ways, but it also decorates your house with well-designed posts.

Where to get well-designed, high-quality scratching posts with a good price?

These are The best seller scratching posts for your cats on Amazon. With high percentage of 5 star ratings, hundreds of positive reviews, free shipping for total cost 25$ or more, and liberal return policy, you can get the best, high-quality and most appropriate scratching posts for your cats with the best price.

Hope this post will be useful for you.

Thank you for reading. Have a great day with your cats! 🙂

SHARE this so that anyone can know how to treat the cat scratching.

(References: Stop cat clawing furniture by WikiHow )

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