The Truths Behind Your Cat Behaviors

With these cat behaviors explained, you’ll understand more about your lovely cats and treat them right 🙂

cat sleeping explained

Cat curled up when sleeping:

In science fact, circling when sleeping is cat’s wild ancestors behavior to remove objects like rock, leaves, grass, etc to have a comfortable sleeping area.

Sleeping in a ball make the cats feel safe and protected. It provides your cats warmth by retaining their body heat. They like to be in small spaces to have some security so that they can’t be suddenly caught. Cats like boxes, don’t they? 🙂


This cat behavior is a great sign that the cat loves you and wants to show his/her affection. But it shows ownership over you, too. Sometimes a friendly cat rubbing strangers to get information from them, like where they are from, etc.

Cats rub against furniture in your house to mark it with their scents and claim it as a part of their territory.

cat claws


You’re not OK with things in your house destroyed by your cats, right? But cats always like to scratch something that’s coarse, or anything they can put their claws into.

Scratching is their first nature, felines do this all the time. Cats scratch for many reasons, like to relieve their anxiety, exercise, horn their nails, and again, mark their territory.

Scratching is very useful in the wild for cats, because it help to mark their territory. But you don’t want your furniture destroyed, then how to deal with cat scratching will help you probably.


As you know, kittens meow when they call their mom, and adult cats meow when they communicate with humans. Cat meows to have our attention, to ask for food, and many other reasons.

If a cat comes to you and meows, he/she wants to say hello. When you go home for a vacation, the cat approaches you and meow, which means he/she misses you. The common meow is a request for food, if a cat meows out of habit, she wants you to feed her instantly!

If your kitty brings home a dead bird, a dead mouse or something similar and meows at you, which means your little fluffy ball offering you a gift, take it as an honor 🙂

Meowing in a long sound can be the signs of pain, illness and medical issues. You feel something’s wrong with your cats, just take them to the vet to be checked. Play it safe and keep your cats healthy.

Cats find their mates by meowing, too. Female cats always meow to attract male cats  when they’re in heat.

A feline’s meow maybe a request for something, such as ask you to open the door (my cats always do this ^^).

And finally, a cat meows with ‘innocent sound’ when you’re gonna pet her, you shouldn’t do that because your little one isn’t in a good mood, and he/she meows to warn you to back off.

Here are some tips help you ‘actually’ communicate with your cats:

(References: cat communication talk to and understand your cat by

  • Speak in higher voice than usual: Your cats will be more likely to notice you and come to you, often expect a treat.
  • The tone of your voice is very important. Cats have 32 muscles in each ear while human only have 6 so that they can hear you very well. And they know you praise them if you say in a light and loving tone, you teach them or punish them by a bad behavior if you say in a more serious voice.
  • If you want your cats learn to do something, repeat the request. Add ‘good boy, good girl’ when they do that things as a praise to encourage them. Cats are smart enough to be trained step-by-step, just be patient.

cat purring meaning


You see your cats bathing underneath the sun, with a cute calm sound, purring. But purring is NOT ONLY the sound of calmness but it also means something else like:

They’re hungry/want something. When the cats purr for food, they also combine their purr with unpleasant meowing. Baby felines purr to connect to their mom. Their pur help the mom cat know if they’re OK.

When a cat get hurt, they’ll purr to reduce the pain and heal. Due to some researches, cats purring can help them heal faster and get better after taking the pain.


Your felines played with you and let you pet them a minute ago, and then they start to bite! That’s so weird! What a bad behavior! But what they mean when your cats bite?

Firstly, biting is a sign that your cats don’t like the contact they’re receiving and want you to stop doing something.

Secondly, biting and kicking are how cats play with their mother, or with other cats so that it’s not hard to understand why cats bite you during play time, they see you as a member of cat family.

Biting could be a respond to a thread, or to assert dominance,too. A cat bites might want attention then leads you to an activity, they want you to open the door, to feed them, to play with them for example.

Another reason is your cats want to let you know they’re unhappy, so they change the attitude and then bite.

How to stop cats from biting?

  • Don’t use your hands, fingers as toys for cats.
  • Instead of that, you should offer toys that’s made specially for cats. Some stuffed animals toy are great alternatives for your hands, cats love playing with soft stuffed animals!
  • Use tone and volume of your voice: Whenever the cats are likely to bite you during play time, say “No” with a high serious voice, then stop playing. Your cats will learn not to bite soon.

cat chewing meaning


It’s a beautiful day and you go home, you see your little cats chewing wires and plastic bags. That’s not good at all. Why do cats chew things like that?!

Chewing is a natural behavior of cats. Cat’s eating and exploratory behaviors are stick to instinctual chewing. But chewing might be medical issues, it’s brought by anxiety and stress, too.

Gum disease leads the cats to chew things to soothe their mouth. If the cats have digestive problems, they can chew things and drool. Make sure you bring your cats to the vet if they have any unusual behaviors.

How to stop a cat chewing?

  • The first thing to do is redirect the chewing with toys or chew treat. The toys that can be chewed and stimulate predatory behaviors will settle down the chewing and satisfy the cats.
  • The second thing, if your cat chew and some other concerning behaviors appear, such as vomiting, take your cats to the vet right away.
  • You should remove some houseplants, hide wires and leather items to make them unavailable to your cats.

‘Present’ you dead animals/insects

Cats are natural-born hunters. Cats kill billions small animals each year, but they’re not evil. That’s just their carnivore lifestyle >:)

The cat mothers teach their kittens to bring home a dead or injured pray. When your cats bring home a dead rodent, which means the cats do as the role of the mother, and they consider you as a family member, they teach you that bringing home food is important.

To prevent your cats from bringing dead animals, you can get some interactive toys for your cute cats. This Cat Toy with Rotating Running Mouse is an example of great interactive toys for cats. Cats like things that’s fun and simple, right?

Then, they’ll play with the toys as the true preys 🙂

So those are some usual cat behaviors explained. Hope this post will be helpful for you in understanding your lovely cats.

SHARE this so that every cat owners can know what their cat behaviors mean 🙂

Don’t forget to Follow my blog to see more kitty posts, the Follow Button is right underneath! 

And…You may want to read hacks to deal with cat scratching here.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day with your cuties ❤

cat scratching meaning









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